AccessNote V2.1.2

AccessNote is the official Android notetaker from the American Foundation for the Blind. It is the first notetaker for the Android platform designed for TalkBack users who are looking for a highly efficient, feature-rich note taking experience. In addition to being a low cost alternative to traditional note takers, AccessNote will allow users to combine efficient note taking with the other features and functions of the Android devices. This will allow blind and visually impaired people in classroom or business settings to use the same popular mobile devices that their sighted peers are using.
Main Features
Some of the valuable features in AccessNote include:
- Keyboard commands customized for input with physical QWERTY keyboards
- Two powerful search features for finding text globally across all notes and within a note.
- Keystroke efficiency - Less keystrokes to get the job done.
- Fast and efficient navigation throughout a note by page, paragraph, line, word, character, and other elements.
- Built-in spell check
- Markdown support
- Ability to import RTF documents
For bug reports and feature requests, please email
Remember to always back up important notes!
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