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Blindfold Word Biggle

Last updated on Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 19:41 by AbdullahZubair
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Blindfold Word Biggle is a fully accessible letter linking game, inspired by Boggle.

In Word Flick, you have a 16 randomly chosen letters arranged in a 4 by 4 grid. You build as many words as possible using adjacent letters. The longer the word, the higher you score. For example, if the top line has the letters C, A, T, S, and the second line has the letters O, L, D, X, you could form CATS from the first line and COLD using the C from the first line, and the O, L, D from the second line.

You can play in either a 4 by 4 grid, a 5 by 5 grid or a 6 by 6 grid, and you can play an untimed version, or a timed version.

Blindfold Word Biggle was suggested by several blind gamers who enjoyed Blindfold Word Games, and is similar to it's mini-game Word Flick.

