PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate 2018.7.2

PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate picks out virtually every detail and even recognizes 4 and 6 line guitar tablature, 1, 2 and 3 line percussion staves. This music handwriting app is fully integrated, meaning you can write music on the go with your tablet and stylus, or mouse/trackpad if you do not have one.
Easiest to Use
Ease-of-use has been a central design aim right from the start, and with automatic scanning and recognition, plus licensed Sibelius-style editing interfaces, PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate even becomes fun and exciting to use!
- OmniScore²™ dual-engine recognition system
- NotateMe handwritten music entry
- Handwritten score recognition
- Opens PDF files
- Plays back
- Sends scores directly to Sibelius
- Saves MusicXML, NIFF, MIDI and PhotoScore files for opening in Finale and other notation programs
- Saves WAV/AIFF audio files (also for burning to CD)
- Reads slurs and ties
- Reads hairpins and dynamics
- Reads text (lyrics, title etc) in 120 different languages (including bold, italic, etc.)
- Reads articulation marks
- Reads triplets and other tuplets
- Reads grace notes and cue notes
- Reads cross-staff notes and beams
- Reads guitar chord diagrams
- Reads 4- and 6-string guitar tab
- Reads 1-, 2- and 3- line percussion staves
- Reads double and repeat barlines
- Reads repeat endings, Coda and Segno
- Reads ornaments and pedal markings
- Accidental types
- Clef types
- Shortest note value
- Maximum voices per staff
- Maximum staves per page
- Maximum pages per score
- Maximum dots per note/rest
- Reads the length of irregular bars
- Transposes
- Prints scores
- Automatic scanning and reading after scanning (removes the hard work of choosing scanner settings)
Playback with astonishing realism using
Reads virtually all markings in printed music, and most in handwritten music, including:
- 5-line staves (normal and small), 4- and 6- line guitar staves, 1-, 2- and 3-line percussion staves
- Notes, chords (including stem direction, beams & flags) and rests (including multirests) in up to 4 voices per staff
- Appoggiaturas (grace notes), cue-sized and cross-staff notes
- Accidentals and articulation marks
- Clefs, key signatures, time signatures
- Tuplets/triplets
- The format of the page, including the page size, staff size, margins, and where systems end
- Slurs, ties and hairpins
- Text including lyrics, dynamics, fingerings, instrument names, tempo and technique markings
- Guitar chord diagrams
- Various other markings such as codas, segnos, ornaments, pedal markings and repeat endings
- 64 staves per page
- 400 pages per score
- 388 reads