Annual Report for 2017
Time is similar to a streaming water way, not a single drop goes underneath your feet twice. Much like the stream minutes never pass you by again. We can rectify us only by judging our past performance, what we did wrong? And how we can improve our self?
We started Blind Help Project more than three years ago with a passion of helping blind community. We had a hope that we will serve blind community. Since that time we are facing hardships but we are committed to our work, even hardships made us stronger than before. In 2017 our list of genuine friends increased, every single day they stroll close to us.
We tried our level best to provide you different software, Games, Tutorials, QPTs, Articles, Islamic Content and Programming/Development Resources. It wasn’t an easy task for us in fact we are so young, most of us are minor. Our goals are so high; we will approach a single blind so that he can enjoy his life by educating himself.
Education is a social instrument through which we can guide our destiny and shape our future. We are here to provide you guideline about educating blind through internet.
In 2018 we can discover new strengths and garner faith with us. We all team members of Blind Help Project wish you happy New Year from bottom of our heart. May Allah almighty enable you to rejoice the simple pleasures that life would offer and put a brave front for all challenges from your way. May God give you happiness and strength to overcome past deficiencies, may all negativity and difficulties also end with 2017.
Progress Of The Year
As everyone know that the year 2017 has been ended and the year 2018 has been started. As it was decided in 2016 to show our progress of the year on the day of new year, So today we are acting on this decision for the third time. Here we are going to tell the summary of important events of BHP happened in 2016.
Let us start!
In 2017 BHP has progressed a lot. Many ups and downs came. It was the year of Hardwork and achievements for BHP!
In February, We created a new group on What'sApp specially for our International members to solve the language issue, as in previous group 90% members used to speak Urdu & Hindi.
In the same month, We officially launched our What'sApp groups publically on the website and provided the possibility of joining directly without giving Phone Number to an admin.
In March, A new contributer joinedBHP named Kunal Goel from India and contributed several informative articles.
On 22nd of April, A new member named Mehwish Ramzan joined the BHP executive team and was appointed the position of Management Director because of her remarkable management skills.
On 23rd, By continuing our flexibility we created a beta testing edition of What'sApp group specially for those females who do not want to join the general public platforms.
At the end of this month we adopted the brand new management system and distribution of departments were made as a result of a proposal submited by newly appointed Management Director to Cheif Executive Officer.
On 12th, The most popular software of the History of BHP, which has received more than 44150 hits at the time of this report, Yes, You guessed it right! JAWS 18 - April 2017 Released was added in the pool.
On 15th Our website got expanded with a new section called NEWS & Updates.
On 28th, With the celebration of beginning of Ramadan, a Recitation Compitition got iniciated and with the joint efforts of our Department of Web Development and Content Department a brand new Islamic Section was launched on the website.
On 28th, Dificult time came on BHP and our File Storage server went down.
Another Negative but interesting point about this month is that Record Breaking Rule breaking was commited on almost all our social media platforms.:)
In the beginning of this month, BHP got a huge blessing from Allah Almighty and a Cloud Storage Jiant namely SolidFiles supported the project by gifting a premium account, thus solving most of our Files Server needs.
On 8th, Our Multimedia Department launched a new type of Tutorials range with the title of QPT (Quick Podcast Tutorial) to solve the shortage of time problem of public.
On 21st, The site went down because of resource consumption issue but with the quick and hard efforts of our Department of Web Development braught back online within a day.
On 25th, On the ocasion of Eid-ul-Fit'r, The Result of Recitation Compitition was published after the decision of Expert Qurrah and with the hard efforts of our Content Department the complete range of voices of Vocollizer 2.2 For NVDA was made available.
On 9th, With the joint efforts made by Department of Web Development and Finance Department the domain name of the website got renewed and expiration date was extended to July 2018.
On 10th, An automated system was developed by Department of Web Development which sends emails to our Official Mailing List as soon as a new content is published on website.
On 12th, Continuing the Story of Female What'sApp groups, Beta testing edition of another group was launched specially for International community by our Department of Social Media Management.
On 14th, on the ocasion of Independence Day of Pakistan, the Urdu Learning Program which was developed by Founder of BHP was launched, a celebration audio was released as the result of efforts of Multimedia Department and by the efforts and creativity skills of our Department of Web Development a special feature was developped on the website called QDL (Quick Download) in the software pool.
In this month, lots of false rumers were being spreaded among public, so on 21st, our Writing Department published an explanation and cleared all the rumers and answered frequently asked questions.
On 11th, A reporting system was developed in the Software Pool of the website through which public can report broken download links to us.
On 13th, A brand new section with the name of "Programming and Development Resources (PDR)" was developed by Department of Web Development.
On 15, the blockage of SolidFiles by the Governments and Internet Service Providers of several countrys caused a huge trubble for us therefore our Writing Department wrote an article asking help from public of which we got overwelming support and several positive responses.
About october, We should call it the Month of Content of 2017 as the recorde breaking content was delivered by our Content Department. The total number that was recorded was 106!
At the end of this month, a new member joined our Contributer force named Sadam Ahmed from Australia and was appointed the post of Blog Writer in Content Department.
On 1st, The System of Contributers was officially adopted and as a result a communication channel was made for our Contributers Force.
In the beginning of this month, the Contributer force got expanded with two new members. One Miss Huma Shahid from Pakistan as a What'sApp moderator in the Female Administration Section of Department of Social Media Management and Mr. Arvind Sing Rar from Malasia in Content Department.
On 10th, Our official Facebook Page completed 1K (1000) likes for which we are thankful to the public!
On 14th, Blind Help Project colaberated with a Pakistani Startup "Virtual Eye"!
on 1st, on the ocasion of the Birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), the story of Female What'sApp groups got completed and our Department of Social Media Management publically launched the two Female What'sApp Groups after getting success in beta testing of 7 months and 7 days.
On 19th, The limit of our English What'sApp group got acceded and we launched a Second Edition of the group.
On 20th, The Founder of BHP Muhammad Hamza officially got leave from his Position of Social Media Manager for undefined period of time due to his personal reasons. Here it is to be clarifyed that neither he quit BHP forever from his life nor he has been kicked from BHP, instead he will be resumed working as soon as possible for him.
On 22nd, The total number of members in our Facebook Group reached 4K (4000) and we're again thankful to public for their infinit support!
On 23rd, We acomplished another milestone and our website completed One Million hits, Also because of great love from public!
Overall, Lots of progress were made in this year. We celebrated every ocasion with our beloved supporters. Many ups and downs came. We thank those from the core of our heart who never left us alone in evry type of time. BHP has reached millions of blind and visually impaired people around the global map, impacted positively on their lives and showed them the way to use different technologies independently. We got overwhelming support, encouragement and love from public. It was much more than our expectations. We would never made it so far without such support. We are so much thankful to all those who supported us in different ways. You guys are the backbone of BHP. When we started this project we never thought that it will get such success as it has gotten today. The encouragement of the public has boosted our power to continue this mission.
By the grace of Allah Almighty, BHP is now very popular and helping blind and visually impaired community regarding technology around the globe. Here we are showing a comparison of the stats from today to previous year.
- The number of visits on our website was 188400 and is now 1,024,800 (increased by 444%).
- Number of members on our facebook group was 3100 and is now 4019 (increment of 30%).
- Our Facebook Page Likes were 591 and now are 1088 (increment of 84%).
- Only 53 people were following us on Twitter, now we have 161 followers (increased by 67%).
- Previously the members of our Mailing List were 295 and now we have 980 (increment of 232%)
- Only 6 users were following us on Google Plus now there are 24 (increased by 300%).
- Previously we had 43 YouTube subscribers and now we have 460 (increased by 970%).
- Previously we had only one What'sApp Group, now we have 5 active groups there containing around 400 (round about because of duplication) members.
In 2018, we have a new jerney ahead of us. We will try to improve our services as much as we can and will continue this mission. In Shaa ALLAH!
We once again wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Best Regards from the whole BHP Team.
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