YouDescribe - Watch YouTube in a more accessible way

The YouDescribe app gives blind and visually-impaired viewers convenient mobile access to a rapidly growing collection of YouTube videos with audio description -- an extra soundtrack added by a describer to tell the viewer about text, illustrations, setting, gestures and facial expressions that are otherwise not accessible to blind viewers, or to otherwise aid viewers who benefit from additional description to understand the video content.
The YouDescribe app for iOS lets you choose from thousands of YouTube videos described by our global community of contributors. The app also lets you request descriptions for YouTube videos that have not yet been described, and rate descriptions that have already been created.
YouDescribe is free and easy to use from the iOS app or from the desktop. The app has been extensively tested with the VoiceOver screenreader, and the web site works well with a variety of screen reader/browser combinations.
If you are interested in joining the community of volunteer describers to record audio descriptions for others to view on YouDescribe, use a desktop browser and visit us at YouDescribe.
We will be adding the ability to record from the app in an upcoming release.
The YouDescribe app can be used to:
- Watch the latest contributions to the YouDescribe collection.
- Search for and view described or undescribed YouTube videos.
- Rate the quality of any audio description with up to 5 stars.
- Make suggestions for how individual describers can improve their AD technique.
- Submit requests for YouTube videos you want described.
- Share links to videos on YouDescribe.
- 556 reads