Kota Daisy Reader, Daisy book player on Android
Submitted by haroon on Monday, February 11, 2019 - 19:55.

Kota Daisy Reader is a Daisy book player on Android platform. It can play audio only, text only or full audio and text books with native audio or synthesizer
voice in Daisy 2.02 and Daisy 3.0 formats.
Main features
- Manage books as a library with categories. User can display books of a category or all categories at the same time. It will let visually impaired persons
- can find a book more quickly.
- Supports Daisy 2.02 and Daisy 3.0 formats with audio only, text only or full audio and text books
- Easy navigation on book content and sessions by heading filter.
- Supports listening book by native audio or text-to-speech (tts) voice. User can select a tts voice for eachlanguage.
- If you pause playing and exits application, then you can resume playing that book in next time.
- Supports setting timer for listening (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes .etc).
- Supports detail listening mode in a session (listen sentence by sentence), text and audio can besynchronized.
- Supports page navigation, bookmark and text search.
- Let user customize displaying options like text size, text color, background color, highlight color, line spacing, .etc.
- Full accessible with screen reader and supports from Android 4.0
- Support reading book from SD card
- Auto pause/resume for incoming/out going call
- Support playback widget on notification area and locked screen
- Support Vietnamese, English and German
Kota Daisy Reader can be used by everyone such as sighted persons, low vision persons, blind or any printed disability persons.
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