Backgammon Game - JustGammon
JustGammon is a backgammon game with many options and features.
Now it can be played locally, two persons on the same device, against Computer AI, or two Bots demonstration (just watch the game).
In next versions we'll add also on-line games.
Choose how you want to play in Manager: Local games, Computer AI games.
Simply click a checker to take it in hand, and click a position on the board to put it according to the thrown dice.
Click long a checker to remove it.
JustGammon has a lot of features like: sounds for different actions, statistics for a game and also for all played games, many settings to be a very customizable
game and others.
This version of backgammon game is available also for Android TV.
It is fully accessible also for blind users using a screen reader.
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