Complete Guidelines For Google Drive With Jaws
Google drive guidelines and its use with jaws.
Before starting with guidelines let's discuss something basic about google drive.
Get started with Google Drive, free of charge, and have all your files within reach from any smartphone, tablet or computer. All your files in Drive – like your videos, photos and documents – are backed up safely so that you can’t lose them. Easily invite others to view, edit or leave comments on any of your files or folders. With Drive, you can:
- View documents, PDFs, photos, videos and more.
- Search for files by name and content.
- Share files and folders easily with others.
- Set sharing permission to view, comment or edit.
- Access recent files quickly.
- See file details and activity.
- Enable viewing of files offline.
Google drive guidelines for using it with JAWS.
This step-by-step guide offers an introduction to the key components of Google Drive for JAWS users, including:
- Getting Started.
- Navigation Panel.
- File List.
- Actions Menu.
- Adding a star.
- Moving a file to a new folder.
- Searching for a file or folder.
- Sorting files and folders.
- Sharing a file or folder.
- Uploading a new file.
- Creating new folders.
- Deleting files and folders
- Restoring files and folders.
- Advanced sharing.
Google drive with JAWS
The following step-by-step guide offers an introduction to the key components of Google Drive for JAWS users. This guide presumes that the JAWS keyboard is set for laptop mode, so the JAWS command key is Caps Lock. If the JAWS keyboard is set for desktop mode, the JAWS command key is Insert.
Getting Started:
- Open Mozilla Firefox web browser.
- Go to the address bar: Alt + D or Ctrl + L.
- If a message box appears, type Alt + M to close message box.
- Type
- Toggle JAWS virtual cursor off: Press Caps Lock + Z until you hear "Use virtual PC cursor off".
Navigation Panel:
- Move computer focus to the navigation panel: Press the "g" key, then the "n" key.
- Navigate the panel: Use the up and down arrows to select from My Drive, Shared With Me, Recent, Starred, or Trash.
- Press enter on the selection (My Drive, Incoming, etc.).
File List:
- Go to the list of files: Press the "g" key, then the "L" key.
- The "v" key toggles between grid and list views.
- Use up or down arrows to navigate files.
Actions Menu:
- Press the "a" key to opens the actions menu. The actions menu is an easy way to access almost all the tasks that need to be done with a file or folder. The menu includes: preview, open with (submenu), share (dialog box), get link (dialog box), move to (dialog box), add star, rename (dialog box), manage versions (dialog box), make a copy, download, and remove.
The next step that I would recommend is to perform some of the actions and navigate some of the dialog boxes.
Adding a star:
- Select a file. Press "a" to open the Actions menu.
- Navigate using down arrow to "Add star." Press Enter.
- Press "g", then "n" to go to the navigation pane.
- Navigate using down arrow to "Starred". Press Enter.
- Press "g", then "L" to go to the list of files.
- Press down arrow to ensure that the file you starred is in the list.
Moving a file to a new folder:
Note: If the file is in a shared folder, it will be removed from the shared folder and put in the newly created folder. The people with whom the document is shared will no longer be able to see the document.
- Select a file. Press "a" to open the Actions menu.
- Navigate using down arrow to "Move to..." Press Enter.
- A dialog box opens. Navigate the dialog box using Tab (forward) and Shift+Tab (backward). Navigate forward using Tab to "Create Folder".
- Press Spacebar to activate the button.
- Type the name of the folder (e.g. "Homework"). Press Enter.
- The focus should be on the "Move" button, but you can use Tab then Shift+Tab to make sure. When the focus is on the "Move" button, press Spacebar.
Searching for a file or folder:
- Press the forward slash key (/) to go to the Search edit box.
- Type the search term and press Enter.
- The computer focus will be on the list of files and folders that match your search terms. Use the arrow keys to browse through the list.
- You can use the Actions key (a) or press Enter to open the file or folder.
Sorting files and folder:
- This task gives you the ability to change how files are sorted, giving you different ways to navigate them.
- Press the Sort key (r).
- Use the down or up arrow keys to move through the menu. To determine how files are sorted, listen for “checked” or “not checked” as you navigate through the following options:
- Last modified.
- Last edited by me.
- Last opened by me.
- Name.
- Press “Enter” to select an option from the list. Your focus returns to the files and folders list for navigation.
Sharing a file or folder:
- Locate and ensure computer focus is on the selected file or folder.
- Press “a” to open the Actions menu.
- Press the down arrow until you hear “Share…”.
- Press Enter to open the “Share with others” dialog box.
- The computer focus should be in the text edit box where you type the email address of the person to whom you want to send the file. It may benefit new users to press Tab to navigate the dialog box until JAWS reads “Enter names or email addresses… edit type in text”.
- Type in the email address of the person with whom you wish to share the file. Press Tab.
- Type the next email address, if you wish to share the file or folder with more than one person. Press Tab.
- Indicate the access level for the people with whom you are sharing the file or folder. Press Spacebar, then use the Up or Down Arrow keys to select either “Can edit,” “Can comment,” or “Can view.” Press Enter when you have selected one of the three choices. Then, press Tab.
- You are given the option of adding a note to the person or people with whom you are sharing the file. Type a note, if you want, and then press Tab.
- You are given the option of notifying people via email. To clear or mark the checkbox, press Spacebar. Then, press Tab.
- Your computer focus should be on the “Send” button. To send the share invitation, press Spacebar.
- If you would like to cancel the share invitation, press Tab again to the “Cancel” button and press Spacebar.
- There is an option at the end of the dialog box for Advanced Sharing, which will be covered below.
Uploading a new file:
- Access My Drive using the Navigation Pane: press “g”, then “n”
- Upload a new file:
- Press “c” to access the “New” button.
- Down Arrow to “File upload,” press Enter.
- The “File Upload” dialog box opens. This is a Windows Explorer dialog box that you can navigate to locate the file you would like to upload. The computer focus begins in the “File Name” text edit box . Use Tab and Shift+Tab to navigate the dialog box. Use the arrow keys to navigate within panes.
- Once you have located the file that you want to upload and it is highlighted. Tab to the “Open” button. Press Spacebar. You can also just press Enter when the file is highlighted.
If the upload fails due to a server rejection, it likely means that you have been signed out of your Google account.
Creating new folders:
- Access My Drive using the Navigation Pane: press “g”, then “n”
- Create a new folder: Press Shift + f.
- The New Folder dialog box opens. Focus should be on the text edit box, and the text “Untitled folder” is highlighted.
- Type the name of your new folder.
- Tab to the “Create” button. Press Spacebar.
Another method for creating a new folder is accessing the “New” button:
- Press “c” to access the “New” button.
- Down Arrow to “Folder,” press Enter.
- “Name Folder” dialog box opens. Type name of new folder.
- Tab to “Create” button. Press Spacebar.
- New folder is created.
Deleting files and folders:
- Locate the file or folder you wish to delete.
- Press "a" to open the Actions menu.
- Navigate using down arrow to "Remove.” Press Enter.
Restoring deleted files and folders:
- Go to the Navigation Pane: Press “g”, then “n”
- Navigate to Trash using down arrow. Press enter.
- Focus should move to the file list in the Trash folder. If not, press “g”, then “L”
- Navigate to the file or folder you would like to restore.
- Press "a" to open the Actions menu.
- Navigate to “Restore” using down arrow, then press enter.
Advanced Sharing:
There are a variety of options that you can select for sharing documents. Prior to reviewing this section, locate a file or folder with which you want to practice.
The focus will be in a text edit box with the link to the file highlighted, so the screenreader will begin reading the entire link. If you don’t want to listen to this, press Control to stop the screenreader from reading. The link that is highlighted can be copied for sharing in a document or an email. However, the file will only be accessible based on the level of security you give it.
Tab once to “Who has access” Press enter to access the Link sharing dialog box Press tab to access the selected radio button. Most files begin with link sharing off, so VoiceOver will say “Shared with specific people, selected, radio” Press up or down arrows to select a different level of sharing. The levels are as follows: On - Public on the web (anyone on the Internet can find and access the file or folder with no sign-in required) On - Anyone with the link (anyone who has the link can access the file with no sign-in required) On - Institution (if you are a member of an institution, like a school, this selection will read the name of the institution; with this selection, anyone at your institution can find and access the file) On - Institution with link (if you are a member of an institution, with this selection, anyone at your institution who has the link can access the file) Off - Specific people (you select people with whom to share the file; this is the default selection)
- Press “a” to open the Actions menu.
- Down arrow to Share menu item. Press enter.
- Tab to the “Advanced” link. Press enter. The “Sharing settings” dialog box should open.
- Set level of access (who has access to your file or folder)
- Tab to the “Save” or “Cancel” button. Press spacebar to select.
- Share with specific people (similar to the Sharing a File or Folder section above)
- Tab to “Enter names or email addresses” Type the email address of the person with whom you would like to share the file or folder. Press enter. Type the next email address, if you wish to share the file or folder with more than one person. Press Tab. Indicate the access level for the people with whom you are sharing the file or folder. Press Spacebar, then use the Up or Down Arrow keys to select either “Can edit,” “Can comment,” or “Can view.” Press Enter when you have selected one of the three choices. Tab to the “Notify people via email” checkbox. Leave the box checked if you want the people with whom you are sharing a file to get an email about it. Tab to the “Add message” link. Press enter to include an optional message in the email. Tab to the “Send a copy to myself” checkbox. Select this checkbox if you would like to have a copy of the message sent to your email. Tab to the “Send” button. Press spacebar to send.
?Other options:
- Tab to “Cancel” button. Press cancel to get out of the dialog box and return to My Drive without sharing. You can also press Escape.
- Tab to the “Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people” checkbox. Checking this box prevents people to whom you have given edit access from changing other people’s access or sharing the document for new people to edit.
Determining with whom a file is shared:
- Locate the file in My Drive, and highlight it in the file list.
- Press the "A" key to access the Actions menu.
- Down arrow to "Share..."
- Press Enter.
- Tab to the "Advanced" link. Press Enter.
- Tab through the dialog box. The computer focus will cycle through the list of people with whom the file is shared, and you can edit the level of access each individual has (e.g. Can edit, Can view, Can comment).
- After the list of collaborators, computer focus will open a section of the dialog box that allows you to invite more people to share the document and set their level of access. You can then either Send them a notification of the access or Cancel this action, if you do not wish to invite more people. If you input new collaborators, press the Send button. If you do not want to input new collaborators, press the Cancel button.
- Computer focus should then move to the "Done" button. If it does not, Tab to the "Done" button. Press Spacebar.
Sharing a link:
- Locate the file in My Drive, and highlight it in the file list.
- Press the "A" key to access the Actions menu.
- Down arrow to "Share..."
- Press Enter.
- Tab to "Get shareable link". Press Enter.
- This turns link sharing on, which also has a variety of levels of access. Generally, when link sharing is turned on, it means that anyone with the link in your network (e.g., can access the file.
- The computer focus will be in a text edit box, and the link will be highlighted.
- Press Ctrl+C to copy the link.
- Now you can paste the link in an email or in a document to share with anyone in your network.
- Tab to the "Done" button or press Escape.
Happy computing!
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