Vinux 5.1 based on Ubuntu trusty 14.04.5
Vinux is a Ubuntu derived distribution, created by "vinux project", optimised for the needs of blind and partially sighted users. By default Vinux provides two screen-readers, Braille display support and an extremely friendly community. When you boot the live Vinux image, you will be greeted by the Orca screen reader. This will allow you to navigate the Unity graphical Gnome desktop using keyboard commands. Finally, Brltty provides Grade 1 and 2 Braille output. Vinux now provides three desktop environments of choice, Unity, Gnome and Mate. Accessibility is paramount with the latest version of Orca and the accessibility framework required. The Vinux wiki provides frequently asked questions, How to's, getting started information all contributed by the Vinux community. You can visit the wicky Here and their home page to learn more about the project at
Note: The iso files provided below are created and hosted on their official servers, we are not making any changes to anything - just gathering the contents at one place.
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