Screaming Strike 2 (the funniest arcade game)

Screaming Strike 2 is the world's funniest audio game ever where you punch various kinds of incoming enemies.
This game was originally a small time-killer released in 2012, but in 2018, it was excibited at Tokyo Game Show (I still can't believe it actually was!), and I decided to completely rewrite it after that.
Game features
In this game, you punch enemies coming from the three lanes until you die. It has three modes: normal mode where you punch as many enemies as possible with your highest accuracy, arcade mode where you gain higher points by utilizing items, and classic mode for those who like the old-fashioned game system.
The controls are very simple, and it of course supports online scoreboard system. competing with other players worldwide!
After running the game, you will be placed on the main menu of the game. You can either use your up/down arrows and enter to choose an option, or press a shortcut key that is spoken at the last of each menu item.
At the top of the menu, version info is displayed. When a new update is found, it will be notified here. If there's an update available, pressing enter here will download the new package or installer to your desired directory. Once you set the download, it is executed in background, so you can play the game without stopping the it.
At the very first play of each mode, a tip is displayed. You can close tips by pressing enter.
Once the game starts, you will hear enemy footsteps coming from your left, center or right. Use your left and right arrows to move to the same position, wait until they get close, then press your spacebar to punch. Please note that in most cases, enemies need to be close to you in order to punch.
Initially, you have 3 HP. If one of the enemies get to the same position as you, you will get slapped and lose 1 hp. If you HP reaches 0, you'll fall over and the game will end.
Once the game ends, you'll be prompted whether you want to post your score to the online scoreboard. Press Y if you want to post, or press N if you don't. Alternatively, you can choose available options using your up and down arrows and the enter key.
When posting your score, you need to type the name which will be used as the player name. Input your preferred name and press enter.
Arcade mode
In arcade mode, items will fall randomly. If you hear an item falling, move to the same position and launch your punch to obtain it as you would punch enemies. Please note that you can't obtain items that are still far away from you.
You will automatically obtain the punched item, and its effect will immediately start. However, holding down the up arrow and punching the item will destroy it, instead of obtaining it.
There are good items and nasty items. Items that fall faster are more likely to be good, and slower ones are more likely to be nasty. However, each probability won't be 100%.
Continuous item effects normally last for 15 seconds. If you get same items before the previous effect times up, the effects will be duplicated or the previous effect is extended. It's up to the effect type if it's duplicated or extended.
Here is the complete list of item effects.
Good effects
- megaton punch: Enables you to punch distant objects. When obtained continuously, the effect time will be extended.
- Boost: Your punches will be faster. When obtained continuously, effects will be duplicated.
- Penetration: Your punch penetrates through enemies in range, and you can get points doubled for enemies you punch with this effect. When obtained continuously, the effect time will be extended.
- Destruction: Kills all enemies in the field. However, falling items will also be destroyed.
Nasty effects:
- Shrink: Your punches will be shorter. When obtained continuously, effects will be duplicated.
- Slow down: Your punches will be slower. When obtained continuously, effects will be duplicated.
- Blurred: You'll get your position blurred and can't aim at enemies accurately. When obtained continuously, effects will be duplicated
This game is shipped with lots of screams and you can collect them in the game. Enemies you punched 10 times will be unlocked (collected) and you can make unlocked enemies scream anytime from the collection menu which can be accessed from the main menu.
In the collection screen, use your left and right arrows to browse your collections. You can press enter on one of your unlocked collections to make them scream. Pressing your up and down arrows will change the pitch. The pitch shifting range is same as the ingame range. Alternatively, you can press shift+left/right to search for the next / previous unlocked collections
Erasing data
The "Erase data" option in the main menu enables you to clear your high score and collection data separately. In order to actually delete the data, you need to hold shift and enter.
You can change various game settings here. Use your up and down arrows to move through the available settings and left and right arrows to change its value. Currently, there's only one item announcement voice, so pressing left / right arrows there won't change anything. If someone can give me new voice sets, I may be able to make this option actually changeable.
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