Reality of Facebook Auto Likers and Twitter/Instagram Auto Followers
Today we are living in a time where people are connected to one another even if they physically exist in different corners of the world. The credit goes to modern technology. Or more specifically, Social Media Platforms. We share our almost second to second moment on these platforms in various forms. These ranges from private messages to Tweets to Instagram Storys to Fb Posts. But in all this there exist a craze in every other Social Media user to have thousands and even Millions of likes, Followers, Fans, Viewers and Subscribers. As Need is Mother of Invention, there are hundreds of Tools, Websites, Apps and Platforms which provide this precious thing. Best thing is, they are Free of Cost! Yes, exactly free. But hold on, nothing is free in this world, they costs your privacy, your reputation, control of your accounts and sometimes even your entire life.
Social Media
I don't think so there is a need to define what Social Media is. It's a place where all our lives are. These platforms know what a person likes, dislikes, loves, hates or don't care about. What are that person's relations and of which level. Where the person goes and when. What the person's hobbies and interests are. What the person watches or listens to. In fact the entire life of the person. Not only this but as all these also provides private messeging and calling services so they also have record of all our conversations.
What are Auto Likers and Auto Followers?
These are the bots that are created to boost up your social media engagements. Don’t take it as the Ring Wearing ceremony happens before marriage:D. It’s a technical term that represents visitors, likes, followers and subscribers etc. These comes in various forms. The most common are Websites and Smartphone Apps. They are mostly free. All you have to do is connect them to your Social Media account for which they are offering such service, and boom. The desired results appear in matter of second.
How Do these Actually work?
Look closely to the procedure they are asking you to follow and everything will be clear to you. Here I’m taking an example of Facebook Auto Liker. All other works the same.
- They ask you to login via your Facebook.
- What happens when you do is that they get access to your account. Now you may be thinking that I didn’t give my Password to them. Well what you just accepted while connecting your account is that you are granting them permission to access the certain areas via an Access Token. This token is similar to your Password, as Facebook’s Help Documentation defines.
- When they have access to several large amount of people like you they exchange likes between them.
For instance there are 100 users Signing Up for an auto liker service. What will happened is that all of them will be liking everyone’s content and all of them will receive 99 likes. One might argue that they are just connecting the people with same desire and fulfilling it. This is not the case actually. Look at the matter from a broader prospective.
Destruction caused by these Tools
Following points will explain how these tools cause harm:
- Reputation Damaging: When these tools will like posts about Tips of snatching, Drug shops, hiring serial killer or pornography from your account and it will reach to your friends and family then no matter how much reputable person you are, everyone will start hating you. Same goes with Auto Followers for Twitter and Instagram as you will be automatically following such accounts.
- Privacy Breach: While making connection to your account they get access to a significant amount of information about you that can cause serious trouble for you when gone in wrong hands.
- Controlling the Account: As token access is similar to Password so it can grant permission to these services to post, comment, and even message on your behalf. The harm of this can be imagined easily. If you don’t believe, then carefully read the permissions that these services ask before hitting the Accept button.
What is there Source of Income?
If you are aware of significance of money in life then you might be thinking that they should be doing it for money. Yes you guessed right. Below are the sources of income of these bad guys:
- Advertisement revenue: When you use these services they open up several tabs in your browser which are all advertisement.
- Selling your private information to advertising agencies.
- Offering the same service (Auto Likes and Followers) to businesses and Companies which they charge for. Because to Business clients they will give only those likes and followers which are relevant to them based on our private information.
There is not at all such thing Auto Liker or Auto Follower. These are just scams that you should never participate in. Another point is that why are you even crazy about getting many likes and followers. We have only one life, why not spend it in some productive work.
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